Aww Shucks!!!
Aww Shucks is the undisputed king of doing exactly what it says it does. STOPS HAIR LOSS. Aww Shucks INSANE amount of melatonin can STOP hair shucking in its tracks. No matter if you're a few weeks out from the show, or if it's the middle of summer and you need to take drastic measures, Aww Shucks is the ticket!!! Aww Shucks comes in a pack of four (4) 60ml tubes. Give 1/2 tube a day for 8 days in order to reset the Pineal glad into thinking it's winter and extend that hair cycle!!! Follow with a regular regimen of Yeti Sauce or Girly Sauce for luxurious winning shag!
Notice to cattle customers—-please only use Yeti products in conjunction with approved sheens. Failure do to so may lead to unsatisfactory results at towards the end of the hair cycle.
Here's the list of sheens and companies we stand behind and feel allow you to maximize your return on investment.
1. HF&C Pink Magic (diluted)
2."Just Sheen" by us.. Show Biotics
3. Da Juice (with Double Shot added)
4. Show Sheen (the original no fancy gimmicks sheen)
5. Weaver Pro sheen
6. Sullivan branded Sheens
There are many sheens on the market that work well in certain environments, that don't perform as well in others. In more humid areas we suggest a lighter or diluted sheen, and in coolers, dry, and high altitude environments we suggest a heavier sheen.